I really, really like gooseberries. They remind me of my childhood. My best friends grandma had 6 big bushes of gooseberries – red and green. And we would often nibble on these when we were kids. Now is season of berries. And every month there is a new berry getting ripe. So I though to make a simple gooseberry galette with some sweetened whipped creme fraiche. It is a beautiful and tasty summery dessert.
Needed for Galette
200 g gooseberries
1 egg
6 Tbsp flour (gluten free)
50 g cold butter
3 Tbsp sugar + 2 for filling
2 + 1 Tbsp coconut flour
1 Tbsp brown sugar
Creme fraiche
For whipped creme fraiche (optional):
vanilla bean or extract or vanilla sugar
1 Tbsp powder sugar if not using vanilla sugar
First prepare the dough. Cube butter and mix it with flour until it looks like sand. Then add sugar and egg and mix it in. Add enough water to mix the dough and form it into a ball. Leave the ball to rest for 30 min.
Preheat oven to 195°C (180°C if fan). Sprinkle baking paper with coconut flour. Roll the dough on the baking paper into a rough circle. Sprinkle coconut flour on dough, you can leave 2 cm wide edge to flip it up without coconut. Then add gooseberries in the middle and sprinkle with sugar. Fold the edges over the gooseberries, so it keeps the juice in. And bake for cca 35 min or until golden brown.
You can use egg wash or water to wet the edges and stick some brown sugar on the edge. This will make the edge brown nicely and bake more crispy.
Whipped creme fraiche
While galette is baking whip the creme fraiche in an bowl with sugar and contents of 1 vanilla bean, until sugar is melted. Then leave in fridge until serving.
When galette is baked, leave it to rest and cool down a bit, then serve with whipped creme fraiche or vanilla ice cream.
Further improve your Gooseberry galette
Unless you like tart desserts, I would suggest to half the gooseberries instead of using whole ones. Then when you sprinkle sugar on top of them they will become more sweet. You can even macerate them a bit in the sugar or brown sugar and then pile them on the dough. This way you can make sweeter dessert, otherwise the galette itself will be a bit tart. I prefer it that way.