Propagating Sedum from leaves ?
Hi all,this year we sold our old house. And I wanted to keep some of the plants that I had there. Namely Sedum Neon. I really like the bright green-yellow leaves with the bright pink flowers. Since I could not carry the entire plant with me, I opted to carry the leaves. Small, compact, fits Read More >

Mushroom Goulash – goulash with mushrooms
Hi,this is one of the quintessential autumn comfy foods that I cook every year. Since we would go picking mushrooms in autumn, I associate fall with mushrooms. And thus crave this dish. It is a Croatian version of goulash, and uses bacon as a main fat. On fat rendered out of bacon we brown the Read More >

Mlinci – side dish combining flat bread and pasta
Hi guys,this weekend I really really wanted to eat mlinci (pronounced as mlintzi). So I found the recipe from my grandma, and I opted to share it with you. My family has always done them stovetop, but this time I’d bake them on the highest temp in the oven. Mlinci are a bit special, since Read More >
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Halloween punch
Hi,for our Halloween dinner party I wanted to make a cocktail. But since we were planning to have wine accompanying every dish, it sounded wise to make something alcohol free – thus halloween punch. I wanted it to be pomegranate based, and it turned out that half pomegranate half sour cherry is the way to Read More >

Halloween dinner party 2021
Hi all,since we are all vaccinated and healthy, we can finally host a dinner party. YAY! And for this Halloween dinner party I am going all out with a full course dinner. My inspiration is the Addams family. With the matriarch Morticia being one of the first role models in my life, it seems fitting Read More >

Whole sour cabbage – TAKE 1 – discovering the recipe
Hi,so I was talking to my Mum and asked her if she would be willing to make whole sour cabbage next year. And she said that I should make it myself. And then I asked her for the recipe and she said there is none. You just make it. After a while of talking to Read More >

Old Pond to New Pond – Part 3 – Lining pond and Filling it up
Hi,I finally managed to sit down and write the next part of the pond series. In part 3 we will give instructions on pond lining and filling. The lining will make our pond waterproof. For this part, you may need an extra set of hands. Depending on the size of the liner and your pond. Read More >

Dividing Lady’s mantle or Alchemilla Mollis plants
Hi guys, I finally had the time and space for dividing my lady’s mantle plants. Up until now they were growing below our pear tree, pissing grumpy off, because they were looking random and weedy. But not anymore! No plant is going to piss off my grumpy! only I can do that! And the cat… Read More >

Mum´s Tomato juice – 1 ingredient recipe
Hi,my Mum has always made tomato sauce or juice for winter preserves. This has been one of the most important late summer activities. We wouldn´t buy tomato sauce or juice, instead we would bottle our own. We would usually call this preserve by the name of the fruit – tomato. Here is the recipe for Read More >

Second-year of the new garden and creating new borders
Hi, our little garden is slowly starting to take shape. The overgrown plants are now subdued, and the new hedges and topiary are slowly growing. For the second year of our garden, I want to create the flower borders surrounding the round lawns. This will take a bit of time and patience but even in Read More >