
Springtime gardening. A lot of ideas for gardening in the new year with the sowing of flowers and veggies. Mild spring weather brings with it outside entertainment and fresh recipes.

Fritule – fried batter balls

Fritule are delicious balls of fried batter that is rolled in powder sugar and served with jam or marmelade.

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Fresh Cheese and Cheddar Dip

A simple and tasty fresh cheese and cheddar dip. You can whip it out in minutes. Great when the unexpected guests arrive.

Sowing micro clover lawn

Hi,the weather is finally nice and we are finally ready to tackle the part of he garden that I want to make in a green square. While most of the gardens are trying to remove clover from the lawn we will be sowing our new lawn with micro clover. Why micro clover lawn? This type Read More >

Mini flowery eclairs

Hi,as a lover of tea parties I wanted to make a light tea to celebrate beginning of spring. Light tea means deserts are served and I wanted mine to follow the season. So I made some delicious gluten free mini eclairs. I decorated them with pansies and simple fondant glaze and paired them with Earl Read More >

Pistachio cupcakes – Green Vegan Delight

Hello,this is a dessert that is completely Vegan. And delicious. Sweet, tasty, nutty … perfect. The texture is creamy, because pistachio is high in fat, there is no need for extra cream. I added just a white glaze made from almond and coconut milk and sugar. With some chopped pistachios for garnish. Because of their Read More >

Companion Planting

I think there has been a lot written about companion planting. Some have doubts about its efficiency, while others are amazed. I am somewhere in between. I do not think this is a gardening miracle but I do thing that it is a good planting system to use in the vegetable garden. What is Companion Read More >

Design Potager Garden

Hi,for my little veg patch I have big plans. I want to make it into a potager. Potager garden does require some planing and designing, and winter time is perfect to work on those. Here are my tips on how to design a potager garden. What is potager? Potager is a type of vegetable or Read More >

Springtime soup with pasta or noodles

Hi, this is completely vegetarian, extremely delicious springtime soup. It gives you strength and power and vitamins. So without further ado let’s make the soup! Needed for springtime soup 1 big onion 1 huge carrot 3 stalks of celery 2 asparagus stalks gluten free pasta 1 tsp tomato paste or puree water salt, pepper, dry Read More >

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