What tools I use for garden design
My personal tools for garden design and why I use them.

Turkey Breast Roll with Mushroom Filling
Make a delicious turkey breast roll with mushroom filling. Perfect for any occasion. Pairs well with mushroom gravy.

Mushroom gravy
How to make a tasty mushroom gravy that is a perfect compliment to the turkey. You can make it vegan as well.
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Fresh Cheese and Cheddar Dip
A simple and tasty fresh cheese and cheddar dip. You can whip it out in minutes. Great when the unexpected guests arrive.

Cranberry Clementine Sauce – ruby red deliciousness
How to make tasty cranberry clementine sauce with a bit of peppery heat and clementine juice. Add red pepper for an extra touch.

Cook Together Thanksgiving
Let’s cook together Thanksgiving feast without stress and with time to spare.

Old Pond to New Pond – Part 2 – Building New
Part 2 of old pond to new pond gives the instructions on building a small wooden retaining wall.

BOO-licious pizza for Halloween
Make some BOO-licious pizzas for Halloween. Featuring mozzarella ghosts

Old Pond to New Pond – Part 1 – Clearing
How we renewed our pond. Part 1 – clearing the old stuff. Procedures and tips.

Potager gardening systems and preparation
Hi,This is the next in line of potager garden posts. In this post we will cover some gardening systems that we can use when planing our potager garden.. No Dig Gardening System – Yes or No? No dig gardening is a technique of gardening that uses mulching to keep the weeds out of the borders. Read More >